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Joined: Sat Jun 16, 2018 7:22 pm

Re: Back home

Post by Kippari » Tue Apr 09, 2019 7:43 pm

Hi, as usually Ju 52 landed in Helsinki on Thuesday morning at 9 o’clock. Others had been hugging their wifes or … almoust 2 nights. Our choise, can’t help it.
The last supplies were delivered in Tampere by Frebur about 1.30 pm.
He and I like to thank all of You! (Well, I maybe even those of you who laughed at my wooden construction).
Next con is so far away ahead that everyhing is certain except uncertain but we shall see.
Have a nice spring and summer en zo voorts.
Kippari ja Frepuri
Epiloog to remember: ”Ääliö älä lyö, ööliä läikkyy” 😊.
